The spigot for the tail is located inside the costume, so I simply need to insert an air pump to the spigot to inflate the tail. Then when I am done costuming, I can deflate the tail flat for easy storage and packing.

Her eyes are a large plastic easter egg cut in half. Right after Easter is a great time of year to buy these for super cheap.

Her head is foam on a balaclava. Antenna are 14 gauge wire covered with a tube of fabric. Vision is through the front of the head.

Antron fleece was added the same as I would have done with fur. A Duct tape pattern was drafted, then the fabric pieces were hand sewn to the head. I used a special stitch known as a henson stitch (created by Jim Henson, and used on his many muppet characters), it's similar to a ladder stitch, but hides the stitches a little better.

The head and body were then airbrushed for finished detail.

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