Welcome to Part 2 of my Charr construction!
After putting the suit together and taking some photos, I found the head a little too big... so I took it apart and re-worked it.
The fur and padding were all pulled off T_T Look at the garbage... Full of all my hard work!

I added new eyebrows and cheekbones but added no more additional padding.

Drafted a pattern with duct tape, sewed and glued and reairbrushed.

Much better!

I also added some whiskers!

I found the leather to be a little too shiny and new looking, so I attacked my work with various things to rough it up and make it look more worn.
First I sanded down some of the shinier bits with sandpaper, then brushed specific areas with shoe polish, ink and acrylic paint....let it sit, then rubbed it away. I continued this process a few times until the leather looked sufficiently worn down.

I made a few more accessories for my charr. some fabric skirting for his waist, plus two belts.
It was time to try him on again.

Woo! I think he's done! Now, I just need to give him a name O_o
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