I'm calling him Quiche.... he's sort of a mix of Munku and Tumble.... maybe they came from the same litter?

There is a layer of sparkle silver I added that doesn't really show through :(
But I did use a great new "paint" which I am really loving The gold and bronze bits on the uni are a screen printing material called "Decolourant" It's not an ink or a dye... it's an emulsion agent with color mixed in... so it basically bleaches out the natural color and replaces it with the color of the decolourant. It's beautiful stuff, I'll be playing with this some more for sure!
This is also my first rope tail (SOOOOO much faster than yarn knotted tails). I admit this one is a bit of a rush because I am bringing it to a con with me to sell... I doubt it will sell, but it could be fun if it does :D
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